Auburn Hills Gets Into Halloween Spirit

Posted by – Elizabeth Brennan, Executive Assistant

Right now, hundreds of trick-or-treaters in Auburn Hills are gearing up for the big event.  As kids canvas the neighborhoods tonight, they will be greeted by some scary (and fun) scenes.  Our residents never fail to come up with creative (and creepy) outdoor décor.

Here’s one display we saw on Adams Road.

Skeletons...playing poker?

A skeleton party…


A dapper gentleman with his dog

A dapper gentleman with his dog


Pass by the pups...only if you dare!

Pass by the pups…only if you dare!


Try to navigate this scene in the dark!

Try to navigate this scene in the dark!

Trick-or-treating is allowed from 6:00pm to 7:00pm this evening.  Keep an eye out for our little goblins for a safe and Happy Halloween!